Sunday, July 29, 2012

Modern technology Owes ecology An apology. .......Alan M. Eddison -

Bright new day and a bright new week.  It will be a new focus to save this land for my children and their children.

IMG 2914 Solid
Macksville Meeting

If I do not fight for my kids, I sure as heck know that John Baldwin will not speak out against this.  He will go along with this like all the other sheep in Australia at the present moment.  

Why do this?  That has already been said to me,  so I am not surprised by it now.  Why indeed? 

Because I love my children, and because I have already walked over acres of broken glass for them in a massive way they have yet to work out yet, and because this has toughened me and made me think out side of the box to find effective ways to parent my kids from the position I  have been left abandoned inside of.  I feel so strongly for the future world. I  have worked out that I will be more effective now as a good parent as I ALWAYS was to go and fight for a world where the water has not been poisoned and the earth will still be able to sustain a human.  This is how I will become a true warrior for them.  I will fight honorably for their healthy existence and the existence of both for my future grandchildren. 

I love this Earth and this Universe.  I understand the Earth changes and has her own moods and things never stay the same completely.  The change is so slow it appears to not change in a funny sort of way.  Given this is a fact I feel these unscrupulous energy companies are now standing between me and the healthy world I wish to leave behind as my legacy for these future generations. 
The time to really fight is a harsh reality!  I am ready to leave home soon to leave for the Tara site in Southern Queensland west of Toowoomba.   We are ready to go and support Scott and Narelle and the other farmers who are being forced off their very land by large uncaring unhealthy energy company shale gas projects that KILL the EARTH and the WATER.  When this is dead, then so are we.  This is why I speak out and the entire reason to fight against this.

* Quote from Environmental Quotes

Image by Mezza - Lock the Gate Macksville.
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