Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lock the Gate

Yes ....Lock the Gate is getting ready to do some fighting back.  This  mining situation has now reached the level of idiocy that is unable to be comprehended by the ordinary people of this world we live alongside of.

IMG 2848 Lock the Gate

This lack of acknowledgement aside from the land and health degradation has a lot of the farmers outraged and the ones who are all for it have been swindled effectively! This is unethical and un Australian from the point of view of being sensible where earth matters are concerned and to not listen to the farmer when they are screaming for them to STOP is just heinous. 
There needs to be a moratorium on mining in this country.
For too long there has been a division between the conservative people and the left wing more active members of any one community.  These very worrying issues surrounding mining practices has brought these two unlikely groups together to fight a serious fight side by side.

For the first time the farmers are now relying upon the green activists who they had formerly ridiculed as being just that, activists to help them fight this very dirty and unethical fight for all of our lives and any future of a half healthy Australia. 

We all know we have ongoing issues in Australia regarding eco matters.  This sort of degradation is going to make the past mistakes look like kindergarten mistakes believe me.  This sort of damage will effect our land in a way that we will never ever be able to recover.  The animals will die and the people will die.  The children are already sick on the Darling Downs in Queensland.  The Condamine River had five kilometers of Gas bubbling up in the river and the river is dead now.

Lock your Gate and get educated.  No human with half a brain could ever think this will be ok.  We must act now before the pilot wells go in.  Action is needed near Casino right now.

Image by Mezza.
Lock the Gate Koala Vee , Bob Brown and Dick Smith / Energy Festival Bellingen 2012.
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