Thursday, May 31, 2012

We call upon the waters that rim the earth, horizon to horizon, that flow in our rivers and streams, that fall upon our gardens and fields, and we ask that they teach us and show us the way.

Native American Chinook Blessing Litany.  The Chinook Tribes are a small family of Indians inhabiting the lower Columbia River in Washington and Oregon in North America.

IMG 1136 Land Ho
Kalang River and Bellingen at Dusk in Urunga
Water has a memory.  It remembers where it is going and where it has been.  If there is anything magical on this planet then it has to be the substance water.  It is what our bodies are largely composed of as well. 

We become very sick if we become dehydrated.  We need water to survive.  The fishes and ocean dwellers need water as well.  We must look after the oceans and the rivers of our planet.  The life blood of her very existence is carried by the waters of the Earth.

When I was at Uluru, my lips felt swollen the entire time.  I thought this could be attributed to me being in a slightly dehydrated state as a norm.  I drank furiously while I was out there in Central Australia but to no avail at making my lips feel any better.  They felt quite fat. 

As soon as I was back in Sydney the feeling disappeared.  I think I  made a correct diagnosis.  The heat out at the rock is probably responsible for this as it is a dry heat and it draws hard down on you.   They constantly warn you to drink masses of water while you are there.  I did my best.

Image by Mezza - The Kalang and Bellinger flowing out near Urunga under darkness
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.

This quote about water is from Loran Eisley, The Immense Journey, 1957.

An annoying woman is like this tap below. Well that is what the bible quotes she is. As annoying as a dripping tap. Gee I was really interested to find they had taps let alone ones that dripped and annoyed in biblical times. Hectic. I suppose it is allegorical.
SAM 5672 Dripz

Image by Mezza - A dripping tap at the waters edge in Urunga

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It’s better to have never felt the happiness of love than to be tortured by the pain of it ending. ~ Mike ~

It is always colder nearer to the waters edge. It never stops us from going there though. The chill from the cold can be rugged up against. The heat of a heat wave is another matter entirely. Heat can suck you dry and leave you begging for mercy. Coldness can hurt like you're body is going to break. None of this is  bad or good . It is all just weather or in reference to the temperature of persons heart.

IMG_1125 Sunset bushes
Sunset on the water is cold in May
Its good news week, no not the show!  This week has been a week of great news. Well not necessarily great either as in good but great as in big news. I just should come out with it.   My children's father is getting re-married.

He is getting married to have sex. This story is now widely known to all in the area. He attends church again and you cannot have sex before marriage.  It's rumoured he  tells his kids to talk to me. I find this almost impossible to believe . Why don't they talk to me?  I sent him a letter when he moved in with Robyn to the effect of how we could parent our children from different places and successfully.  It was his choice not to read this.  His choice to cause the friction he has and his choice now to wear the Karma of this little fruitless exercise.

He won't get away with it.   The Karma for this one is going to come down hard and it will bite rougher than any of us wanted it to bite. I need to say this now as I can feel what is about to come to pass. Matilda, the dear little thing is so happy about the wedding to the crooked doctor's ex wife. Makes me very curious as to how do these people get to be so good at being parents and even better at being parents to others children.  Especially children that are so missed by their mother it causes her much angst.  God loves a mother to feel angst.  NOT!  that is the Karma I speak of.

I think all of this is funny in a very peculiar way. Poor Robyn from the IGA in Bellingen, his ex after his marriage to me is now considered the bitch. Well,  I can only imagine what names they saddle me with if she is considered the bitch from hell. I must be the bitch of the UNIVERSE. Well where is my sash?
This quote first reminded me of my son and how much I do miss him in my life.  I get on with this though as there isn't any way to let them know that I love them.

Image by Mezza - A cold evening near the water at Urunga Lagoon

Monday, May 28, 2012

In the early days I had a very black-and-white view of everything. Cat Stevens

Time and tide tend to change this view from time to time.

1069.1 - Deployed

 I found it hard to believe that other people did not see what I see.  Other perspectives are many and varied.  Not everyone sees the suffering as suffering.  Some see this as necessary and the way things should be.  Others may think the adage " You cannot change the world alone".  I beg to differ here.

I don't subscribe to this view.  I believe; when we make any changes or even dance a single step let alone breath that we are influencing the entire world with our energy.  Same goes for everyone.  Think great thoughts for mankind and this earth and we will all  be a long way ahead of where we have been in the past.

Stop the slavery that everyone is in.  People think they are free but they are not free.  Debt has them sewn into a form of slavery.  One must remember they will never become wealthy doing something they detest doing.  Disliking something has its own energy vibration and its all negative therefore never reaping any positive benefits.

Today I will once again see it big in my head.  I will see Mandie well in her face area.  I will see my children gaining a revelation of the truth.

Image by Mezza - "Deployed" - Pacific Marina Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW
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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Every step you take should be a prayer. And if every step you take is a prayer, then you will always be walking in a sacred manner.

-Black Elk -Lakota
IMG 9472 - The Emu Dance
Myself at Yulara doing the EMU Dance
 When you're body is engaged in any sort of movement is could be deemed as a prayer or a spiritual expression.  It is very healthy.  Contained in the DNA of our bodies lies the answers to the universe and beyond.  Our DNA holds all of the clues because it holds the original information in the encoding.  The human body being a temple then carrying ancient wisdom and knowledge.

The Roman religious wars were adamant about getting rid of people who were found to be utilizing and practicing any of the ancient knowledge that is rightfully made available to all humanity.  This is why  anyone who was found  practicing was labelled a "witch", and subsequently burnt at the stake.   There goes masses of herbal knowledge of plants right there in one foul swoop.

It was known as heresy to go against the Catholic Church and its directives.  The Holy Catholic See at the Vatican became quite swiftly the most powerful force on the planet.  Brainwashing the next generation with a completely manipulated story based on Hermetic wisdom. 

If the Vatican could rid us of our personal power we would eventually be powerless.   With the advent of reading and writing across the masses, people were tricked blindly into believing this fabrication.  If you believed the fabricated story taken from ancient scriptures you were deemed spiritual and the love for God and  Creation became something very different.   The Catholic Church has many  ridiculous and outlandish ceremonies that have been laid down by the Vatican to be practiced as Catholic law..

The most colorful of these manipulations of the word of God must be the riotous act of asking families for cash money to pray a persons soul out of purgatory and into heaven where they would rest in peace eternally.  Because peoples personal power had become so eroded there was a wide spread acceptance of this lunacy. It is complete nonsense.  The pope is not the only person who can "TALK" to God either.   We are all capable of communicating with nature but we have just got to pull it from whence it was stored - In our DNA!

Image by Mezza- Woman walking at Yulara NT
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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Management of sleep disturbances that are secondary to mental, medical, or substance abuse disorders should focus on the underlying conditions

Bring me my bed.  I am tired already and its only Saturday morning.  I went to bed late last night around 1:00 am in order to sleep to a more sociable time and instead I still woke up at the usual 4am time.  Three hours in my bed if that. I regularly only ever sleep five hours so I may need to find those couple later on somewhere.

Dawn over the Pilot

When I was a tiny child I never slept well then either.   Because of this affliction  I got the nick name "Cinderella",  which was conveniently shortened to Cindy by Edith.

This name for me suited her very well as she had such a hard time even saying my mothers name which was  Ellen. My name is part of her name and she just couldn't say it. Kay said she called me all sorts of things until "Cindy" was settled upon.

Many people still call me Cindy.  A couple of people even have this name (attributed to me) tattooed on their bodies as Cindy.  My very good friend Rosey has my name on her wrist.  I had her's and I am going to get it put back now.  By order of Montana and Rosey.

Image by Mezza - Dawn over the Pilot House in Urunga

Friday, May 25, 2012

We live in a hologram

The earth and all that is in it is a hologram just like the holograms projected onto the Opera House.  On Earth we are a microcosm of the macrocosm.  We are everything that the universe is made up of.  We are only tiny and the universe is without number at this point but we are one and the same.
I wonder if the same principal of achieving a holographic image is how we got here on Earth?

I do believe that we are beings of light.  We are slowed down to a solid by magnetism and gravity.  If we were not subject to these influences we would appear as very different beings.

laser light shows can split a single Solid State (DPSS) laser beam by passing the beam through a passive diffract holographic optical element, which in turn passes through a circular periodicity electromechanical spinning wheel. This spinning disk splits the laser beam into over 1 million individual beams. Diffract holographic optical elements work by breaking up the incoming wave of light which recombine to form numerous new light waves.
 Sydney Vivid Festival 2011.Sydney Vivid Festival 2011. (Photo credit: jemasmith)

Sydney's annual Vivid Festival has opened with a series of spectacular light displays on many of the city's iconic buildings.

English: Sydney Opera House Luminous @ Vivid f...English: Sydney Opera House Luminous @ Vivid festival (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Now in its fourth year, the event features over 50 light installations, including a display on the 'sails' of the Sydney Opera House.
The opera house stands on Bennelong Point in Sydney on the edge of the where the city now stands.  This was once a great place for lunch if you were an aboriginal person from the surrounding clans of the area.
In the period from 1818 to 1821, the tidal area between Bennelong Island and the mainland was filled with rocks excavated from the Bennelong Point peninsula. The entire area was leveled to create a low platform and to provide suitable stone for the construction of Fort Macquarie. While the fort was being built, a large portion of the rocky escarpment at Bennelong Point was also cut away to allow a road to be built around the point from Sydney Cove to Farm Cove. This was known as Tarpeian Way.
The existence of the original tidal island and its rubble fill were largely forgotten until the late 1950s when both were rediscovered during the excavations related to the construction of the Sydney Opera House. Prior to the Opera House's construction, Bennelong Point had housed Fort Macquarie Tram Depot.
Images all from Zemanta this time.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. Mother Teresa

Today I spoke to the Forde Foundation in Queensland.  This foundation is part of the Department of Communities.  A part of the department set aside for the forgotten Australian's who were brought up in care in Queensland's notorious children's homes.  Awful places where children were treated more like animals and not children.  I spent many years in care.  I spent my entire teen years in care.  This was hell.  I hated it so much and I was so lonely and this is where I developed a lot of the present fears I am still saddled with today.

It took a little while to find my way around through the bureaucracy of it all and it wasn't easy not being able to call out of this area on my home telephone.  With the help of Campbell from Andrew Fraser's office in Coffs Harbour.

He did some checking up and I rang the number I was given.  A very cheery lass called Nicky answered and she was helpful but she had to tell me that the time for compensation was over.  However the foundation has many other ways in which it can help me out.  There are grants for study and for health and various other needs.  They have added my name to the mailing list and I won't be forgotten in the future.

I felt very sad this afternoon.  I never felt so resentful of a bunch of people than I did of my brothers and sisters this afternoon.  They took it upon themselves to leave me out and to not tell me anything about this process while they all took advantage of this accept for one of my brother's.  My brother Zane wanted no part of this.  He isn't off the hook completely as he or his partner Jacqui could have contacted me and told me about this so as to at least give me the opportunity for myself.  It was obvious that the government had unleashed this clumsy band aid  upon the unsuspecting target group, so unsuspecting that someone like me would miss an opportunity to address the Queensland parliament or to have my story heard and to have received compensation for the pain and suffering that has been on going in my life to date .
The kind of pain and suffering that is not visible to most other than the blank stares I may have at times or the inability to know what to do in certain situations, most don't know because they don't see me.  They don't know about the nightmares or the fears or the feelings of running or hiding. 

I hope when the Forde Foundation send this initial package that there are some contacts where I can access some help in being able to communicate with my children again in a safe place.  My two older children just think I am mad and don't understand the capacity of  which I was physically and emotionally abused.

The ladies on the phone were very understandable about my situation.  They were  more helpful when I told them that I had my Certificate IV Community Services Welfare.  I said that I felt I was qualified in this area, they both understood when I said that now I am well over qualified to work in this field and they agreed.  Not in a helping capacity, but I would be very helpful in a clerical role in the same field.

I want to  have an opportunity of having a real go at life.  Being with John for so many years was hard as he ate up our opportunity years with useless gambling.  His drinking was an issue but I didn't eat the money the way gambling did.  After all there is only so much he could drink before he was useless to the world.  I resent this happening and I have to some how heal these resentments.

The best way to heal resentments is to overcome them with an even bigger success.  That would be novel.
Image by Mezza -  Plants on the bank at dawn in Urunga
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Let the birthday season begin...

On the hill today it was a day for celebrations.  Brice turned 46.  We made this special cake with his name on it and  he said he had never had a cake with his name on it before.
A couple of days ago it was Anaan's 17th Birthday and now Bricee's and then mine and Montana's birthday.  So you see it is a season of birthdays not to mention the many Gemini's as friends we all have.

I covered this Cup of Coffee cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache.  It was delicious but when I went to move it I broke a piece off the side.  I had to stick that piece back on the side.  It didn't matter because it still tasted brilliant.

I enjoyed making this cake for Brice.  It was a present for him from me and I made it myself.  I haven't done many cakes lately and it shows.  I was as rusty as hell.  I wish I had grand kids so that I could make cakes for them, that would be fun!

Image by Mezza - Brice and his cake 23rd May 2012
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Off to the North is Bundadgen

Bundagen might be seen as a microcosm of the macrocosm, with all the dramas of the wider world played out on our small stage.

For years and years I have wanted to visit here and when I was younger I wanted to live here but I never knew how you did this.  I should just have driven out there I suppose.  I would have met people no doubt.  Strange how things turn out.  But anyway here we are today at Bundagen Community for lunch with Liz and Atalanta.

The food was delicious and well prepared and everything ran like absolute clock work.  I was very impressed as there was a store that sold amazing breads and lots of organic produce right there so local.  I never knew about this. I feel so blessed that Atalanta asked me although I felt out of place as I felt that Liz didn't need my company. 

The beautiful sun stained glass high window.
She is going through issues and I am still buzzing on Uluru and the most amazing spiritual experiences that I had while I was there.  I so want to tell everyone how amazing it was but I guess they only think of the rock and not what else goes on out there and the beautiful people that are living at the rock.  The stories of these woman are so strong and powerful and healing.  The absolute healing nature of sitting with such resolution to nature and feeling safe was a powerful existence I don't feel around here but out there I did.

Images by Mezza - Bundagen Community Mid North Coast NSW
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Venus transit from where we are.

Please install latest Flash Player to run SunAeon Venus Transit 2012

This transit interests me no end.  It occurs on Montana-Star's 16th Birthday.  What a special gift for her this is.  I wonder if she sees it this way.  I smile when I think about it.  I think these are signs for her to remember later on down the track when I am long gone from this earth.

Image from the

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Centuries of history razed by the recent Earthquakes in Italy

Tsunami hazard signTsunami hazard sign (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Not only Italy but also other places such as Japan and there are tsunami warnings in place because of this.  In Afghanistan there is a monstrous flood issue as well.  The planet is talking and people are still not listening.  If a baby talks then so does this earth because it is a hologram.  This earth talks quite loud in fact and I wonder why others cannot hear this.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

"The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts." James Joyce

The house was in for it today and a huge spring clean occurred and everything was turned upside down and this has been the thought since I returned home from my trip.

Brice did a great job taking care of the house while I was gone and he even repaired the mysterious marks that occurred in the side of the bed room wall.  Well done to him. 
We are washing mats and curtains and dusting and moving the furniture around to liven up the chi energy in the tiny place and make us feel alive again.  Its a good thing and then on the agenda is the plants and they are getting a new lease on life and a top up or a re -pot if necessary.

Image by Mezza - The sun dawns from the hill in Urunga

Friday, May 18, 2012

“God had to create disco music so I could be born and be successful.” - Donna Summer

Today another great music sensation passed from this earth.  The great Donna Summer passed away at the age of 63.  We will play a song of hers in our radio show this afternoon.  Probably Love to Love you Baby which was a big hit in the day.

Personally I feel very similar to Donna Summer and the way she says that disco was created for her.  Sometimes the supreme creator moves heaven and earth for us and we are precious no matter what we tend to think at times and each of us vibrates symbiotically off of each other.
Changing a thought pattern here affects where I am thinking and that is a fact.  This is the power we have forgotten to access.

Image by Mezza - Dawn in Urunga and the beautiful skies above.
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. - Honoré de Balzac

It was wonderful being here in the grounds of this place with Montana, I think she enjoyed herself.  I have enjoyed going over all of the photographs this week.

Having children is a funny experience on the whole.  We never own them and some of us rear our kids so well that they never ever need us ever again.  Well that is the plan for the way I am to think about how the situation is with me and my kids and really its always a tough call but on we must press and we must never let this situation drag us down to a level that is so low.

Image by Mezza -  Montana at St James Church in Morpeth
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Last week I went  on a plane  with Uncle Tom Kelly and Suzie Kelly on a majestic trip to the Rock we all now call ULURU!  All places are places of absolute beauty this is something that is very evident now.  I loved the Anangu people of the Central Desert.

These horses represent so much.  They represent the fact that Brice is a horse in the Chinese Astro charts and he is staying behind to look after the animals.  The image of Nunguu Miirlarl in the background looming over it all symbolising my trip with Uncle Tom Kelly and Suzie Kelly. 

These horses live on Yellow Rock Road which the Kelly farm forms part of. When Uncle Tom was little he lived on the island near the Finger on what we call Yellow Rock Road!  This rock known as the finger  is a yellow colour.  Uncle Tom's family  lived in this area before coming in closer to the township that was now called Urunga. It was called Gilayjal Miirlarl by the aboriginal man and the was the North Beach area but white man seemed to like the Urunga word better for here!  I think things like this are important to understand that the white settlers changed the ancient names of places and those names mean really important things in a spiritual sense.

Images by Mezza - Horses on Yellow Rock Road
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just because you don’t drink alcohol does not mean that you are free from addiction.

The Complimentary bottle of wine left in our room for us at ULURU
You could have all of the traits of an addict — the denial, the discomfort with intimacy, the need for unreasonable power and control, the inability to let go, the inner torment, the insecurity masked by grandiosity and so on — without being an alcoholic.
Friel, John; Friel, Linda D. Adult Children: The Secrets of Dysfunctional Families
When we got to Uluru there was a bottle of champagne in the room waiting for us. I would have loved to have drank this but because Suzie didnt want to help me then I never got to drink this.  I am going to get a cheap bottle to rekindle this pleasure though.
Image by Mezza - Killawarra sparkling wine
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Sunday, May 13, 2012

One week later

Last Saturday night I was standing in Kata Juta National Park in the Northern Territory. This week I am standing once again in my favorite old East Maitland and I am Groovin the Moo. Doing it hard .. lol No I am feeling very blessed that I loved everyone who was playing and I knew them all and all the music and seeing 360 was pretty funny and the Hilltop Hoods were excellent but really City and Colour were the best and Gettaway Plan were the best to photograph.  Montana and I had a hectic time with all the lines but we put our bag in the cloak room which was a great idea really.

7638 The Getaway Plan
It got really cold around 7.30pm and everyone was lining up for bags after what had been a top day in the great Australian sunshine.  Listening to the best bands around and I even enjoyed Kimbra. I don't much like her but she was brave as it was very cold in her skimpy outfit with cape.
Rosie was a sweet heart and picked us up in the cold after the concert.  We rang her and she was there to pick us up on the corner near the service station.  We went home for  coffee.

Image by Mezza - Groovin the Moo Maitland 2012 /Gettaway Plan
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

Pink,  purples and all kinds of greens, reds and browns and just beauty every where.  I have cried because it is so awesome, how could you not when you have done what we have been doing here helping the Aunty and experiencing it first hand.

I am just so amazed by the colours all around me here.  The absolute beauty is spectacular. I collected the sage seeds to grow the sage in the sand at home and hopefully I can make my own smudge sticks eventually.  I would like to think that I could anyway and that is the plan.  I have a quandong seed that Aunty gave me as well.

All of these grasses and bushes have a purpose and that is the great part about it.  You can see just how these people existed in peace and ceremony for so many thousands of  years.

Image by Mezza- The Olgas from the Hill and the Grasses around Uluru
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Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Red was everywhere and it was good.

My God I love this place.  My hair dries quickly here as well.  But really it is just beautiful to be here and to smell the place.  It smells good and healthy and rich.  Like as if you made mud and wiped yourself you would be enlivened fully.

This is Nana.. and she dances

I drove around in the car with Nana and Aunty Alison and I got to know her a little closer.  She told me about trying to buy marbles for her grandsons and she said it was hard.  I would really love to be able to send marbles to the mission for the kids and let them have them easily like there neighbouring kids down the road at Yulara 20 klms away.

I suggested to Nana that if her grandson would not go to school then perhaps she could nicely bribe him to go with a marble each day he went instead of just giving him the entire bag at once.  My theory in this is that hopefully in the meantime while being promoted to go he will be successfully engaged into some sort of regular learning model.

Image by Mezza -  Nana Dancing at the Maracoola Arts Centre at Yulara NT
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

An authentic travel and cultural experience

Ayers Rock Resort provides a variety of accommodation options for every possible taste and budget - from the premium Sails in the Desert Hotel, and Australian Tourism Award-winning Desert Gardens Hotel, to the self-contained Emu Walk Apartments, the authentic Outback Pioneer Hotel and Lodge, and the Ayers Rock Campground, offering powered campsites and air conditioned cabins.

Voyages Logo
 This was really good to find out everything about Voyages and Longitude 131°.  The budget accommodation would have suited me better but I stayed with Uncle Tom in the Emu Gardens Resort.  For all information regarding work or holidays at the rock go to this website for Voyages and check it out.
Resort and Tour Booking Office
 I would most certainly go back again tomorrow as the working conditions are superb for a start. There is so much opportunity for someone who just wanted to work.  I want to go back and stay with Aunty Alison and the opportunity and the invitation is there to do this.  I would love to go and help her and be her hands and feet for her for a good while longer than a couple of days.  I will write to her and phone her when I can.  I certainly loved the old sisters and I want to know how they are getting along in respite.

A Yarn with a friend about why the name change and calling it Uluru and not Ayers Rock etc.
My Friend speaking :
 Mary I'm not picking on anyone and as you know Max is part Koori and our best man was true Koori. Now, how come land can be called after the Koori people as they were known as nomads. Even I learnt that as school. We can't understand why that is all, maybe you or someone can answer this for me. No racism meant. Geeze it hard to talk of facebook, if you have a different opinion your the worst.
My answer:
The first part is easy... this was its original name before white man came...And there is no English explanation of this word in fact!  Which I find very interesting on another level as I think that its a secret and a well kept one with in a honourable people.  These Anangu People still do full ceremony there and there are few places as special as this one in the world to preserve the most original an antiquated culture in the entire world / I believe a culture straight from the stars themselves.. These beautiful people live such a weird life as they are thrust into the 21st century with us all. It was an experience in itself to be there and to feel this and to see it and smell it. It is a conquering nature that fights for a silliness about it being not called Uluru / the black-fella out there refers to it as Ayers rock resort that's all so it has its place / The resort and the town of Yulara is white fellah and so then there is Ayers rock resort.. does that answer my point of view on this... What you want to call it though is up to you.. Its like walking on the rock... Some people find that I am strange because I didn't walk or desire to walk on the rock / primarily it is respect for the people who ask all visitors not to walk on this most sacred place... We cannot wander all over the Opera house at will for free up the sails just coz we wanna / there are going to be laws in place soon as ppl must do it on their own accord and risk and there is no help for anyone so really it is very steep and quite silly and many have died doing this and Japan had a Tsunami after the bloke scattered the Japanese girls ashes off the rock / that probably invoked real bad energy and the earth returned with what she did! just saying!
My Friend speaking again:
yes sweet I can understand outback but I'm talking for the likes of places on the coast the same here saying it is so and so land. Don't ask me to spell any of it. I know Ayres Rock is sacred. I'm meaning other place my dad worked with them back in the old days and always said they move on. Hence the word walk about.
My answer once again and explanation of my point of view
Well they take a walk to do ceremony and its bad magick to not accept and go when asked.. its a way the white-fellah cant understand and in that they are honouring the earth and each other.. they dealt hard with law breakers and so that is why and so there is a lot to be said that the white fellah cant have it both ways! Now it seen as REAL BAD what they did in the past trying to kill out an entire culture that is Genocide.. Now what culture is left needs to be brought out into everyday language and recognised as such to preserve the truth and integrity of the land / the land being the most important part. There are many sacred dreaming places that have been decimated in the past but we should pull that behaviour up straight away. The indigenous people have some of the most beautiful places as sacred places and its not hard to tell why as those places are alive with spirit and that goes all the way to the coast as the story goes along the language groups and the dreaming lines etc.. there are very sacred places here in our back yard that are in fact connected to the Dreaming of the Anangu people as the Byamie moved across the land forming everything as he went.. turning up with the three of sisters being in the rock at the blue mountains etc... these are the sisters of the seven sisters which is integral in the dreaming stories on all of language groups.. So its not about out there and over here.. out there and over here is connected in a big way so it cannot be separated really!

Images by Mezza -
1. Voyages Ayers Rock resort owned by the ILC 2. Booking Offices
3. Old deadly Sisters who were going into respite.  I loved them.
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Look out point close to the resort!

Straight up the hill from where we are staying is this magnificent little gem of a place.  Its just a short walk up the hill and there are various walking tracks that criscross this to the other resorts on the other side of the ring road and that makes walking to these quicker if you are game in the night time. Dingoes get about then so it is wise to be careful.

ULURU and Kata Juta National Park
I walked up through here many times already and I am sure that I will fully experience this little piece of paradise. The entire place is packed with plants that are the renowned bush tucker that Aunty Alison collects for her exhibitions to the people in the resort. I took the pics of the full moon up here as well.

Image by Mezza - The Viewing point hill

Monday, May 7, 2012

And it is Sunday and today is the day

Touching down in Uluru..

What a flight, what an amazing country we live in and what I have just seen.  I am gobsmacked by the sheer beauty of the surrounding country side and then seeing Uluru flying in and the the Olga's in the distance.  I saw the mission of Mutujulu on the other side of the rock and the Resort complex and Yulara were clearly visible from the air in the sparce and very very red landscape surrounding this magnificent place called ULURU and the Kata Juta National Park.  

Image by another Mezza.. Me and Uncle Tom and Suzie getting off the plane at Uluru NT.
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