Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cosmic Party 2012

On the Hill we are feeling star struck.  Our bodies are our space suits if you like to think of it in this way.  Personally,  I would love an updated space suit  because this one has a few cracks and tears.   This happened when I forgot who I was and I acted as If I were a rock.  Hard and metamorphic and unforgiving.  I am outta the rock phase now and into the skip of the hip hop and loving life again with its emotions

If you have an understanding of what I am conveying here you will know that as you awaken and you will realize  that your true family isn't those of your own race, religion, culture, county, or even your biological family.  Your true family is your cosmic family.   Those who have come as you have come, on assignment to assist in ways large and small in the current transition occurring here on this planet.  Souls who have been close to us here are now leaving at a rapid rate. It has begun.

While I have been here inhabiting planet Earth I wanted to experience self sufficiency since the very beginning.  I have yet to do this fully.   I guess I didn't chose well to put myself through that test.  I know that I love camping so I may pass but it will be an only just pass.  I have one thing going for me and that is my heart.  It wells with the emotions of  love and creativity and the wonder of the miracle of life itself.

I am a true Star Seed.  I came here to experience life on a level that at times  even I can only wonder why.  I came with the full ferocity of a fire exploding into a brilliant flame.  The flame got very low at various times and was almost extinguished on occasions. 

I put myself here to experience this.  I had then to experience the fear that came with protecting my space suit while I was here.  Everyone is obsessed pretty well in certain parts of the world.  I was in one of those areas, I chose to not deface my suit by shaving it.  My suit hated being shaved.  I never pulled at it and yanked hairs out in my earlier time, waiting until a certain maturity was reached before participating in that one.

My space suit is my body and my skin.  It protects me from the environmental changes going on around me and at times I have meltdowns and freeze ups and I think this is similar to our awesome sun and the CME's it emits.  I feel like the sun appears and all I can say to describe this is; Stuff is coming out of me.  and all of  the plasma in my body is swaying and moving and emotionally I am directly affected.

I have blue eyes and blonde hair.  My blonde hair is a dead give away to my true star lineage.  A Pleiadian light worker,   One of the blondes and subject to the phenomena of the "The Blondening" as apposed to the "Quickening" .  I am being slightly in jest here and the reason why they joke about us is because we are suckers for love.  We are gullible and  tend to think everyone here on this plane just vibrates on love but they don't!  You know that you have seen blonde aboriginals and they say the original aboriginal person did have blonde hair and blue eyes.  We are from the same place

It has been said of my hair that it feels out of this world.  I sound rather self obsessed but I have to say that it does feel pretty special.  I have been clinging to a few hairs since my birth.  Never ever going to sleep with out a few hairs clasped expertly in my fingers and the feeling is unimaginable and divine.  I find this hard to explain as it is more than just playing with my hair.  I set my self a challenge once and that was to see how I felt with out this hair and so I shaved it all off bald.  I was fine but my children suffered badly and were ever so embarrassed and to this day I still cannot work out why.

I am now an usher.  When you go to the movies and you are late, the usher shows you the way in with a torch and seats you in a place and does this in a manner as to not upset the other participators who are watching the movie.  Here on Earth I am an usher in training. I have a massive torch and it is my heart.    I still experience great turmoil about not being listened to and my throat Chakra  which is the colour blue  is a little blocked.  I want to get it spinning. I want to rectify the energies here
Psycho-spiritually speaking.   Blue relates to self expression.   For a long time this has been an issue.

Speech, communication, and the ability to communicate our needs and requirements,  is our Spirit of truth and purpose.  When this chakra is balanced the positive aspects of this colour will prevail. However, an imbalance here can produce the negative aspects of this colour and a display of disloyalty, unfaithfulness, self righteousness and a coldness of heart will surface.  When back in balance I will be extremely loyal and very trustworthy, tactful and calm.  This is the perfect state for this Chakra.  This is what we try to achieve here on earth.

I see all of these wheels as cogs, always have.  My personal cognizants and I  must see the cogs turning beautifully and smoothly. With not much knowledge of the chakra system  I still managed to see  these wheels inside of myself and at the time I was too concerned with other projects to slow down enough to care.   Now it is time for all of this to come to a crossroads and its  time to usher in the changes.    I do understand their purposes now  as I have seen them in operation.  They connect me to the universe and all of the forces that ensue.  This is the number one reason for the abilities I have that some term as psychic.  We brought these abilities with us from other places and where we came from this is the way communication occurs and not with the basic levels of communication  used here.
CME's = Coronal Mass Ejections  release huge quantities of matter and electromagnetic radiation into space above the sun's surface, either near the corona (sometimes called a solar prominence) or farther into the planet system or beyond (interplanetary CME). The ejected material is a plasma consisting primarily of electrons and protons, but may contain small quantities of heavier elements such as helium, oxygen, and even iron. It is associated with enormous changes and disturbances in the coronal magnetic field.
(from Wikipedia)
Image of Mezza -  A large log at the Christmas Waterholes at Gleniffer NSW Australia

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