Thursday, March 8, 2012

Our Ancestors live on in me as yours live on in you. Jan Hawkins

“There is an order to things and I help to keep that order. I might be anyone of you really - I could be the person sitting beside you or the person you spend your life with. I could be you, only you would never know it because that is the order of things.

I am the one who whispers in your ear... We are all part of the past and a part of the future... Our Ancestors live on in me as yours live on in you... this... is my story and my world, and I would like to tell you about it so that we can all get on in this place together.”

Dawn in the colours of the YULUDARLA ( dreaming)

If that got you intrigued there is plenty more of where that come from in the entire book as that my friends is what you call excerpt.  It was just a tiny bit to wet your whistle!
You can purchase this book online through Amazon Books  and its by Jan Hawkins.

To my children and interested others: I too am the piece of a piece of the ancients. A piece of me is in all of you!  A piece of me will be in all of your children.  There is something strange and unyieldingly fair about this reality.  It doesn't matter how much you dislike me or who I am I will be in your children no matter what unless you decide to adopt.

I am the child of the child  of the child of the person who was known as a legendary horsewoman in her time and she rode on until she was in her late 70's.  Horses were her friends.  Christina Flint was a woman to be held up like this and she is also your ancestor because a part of her is contained in me and all of that genetic memory is passed on to us all.

It is amazing to think of the possibilities of this sort of thinking indeed.  Perhaps when you sing or when you ride or race or if your tough in your fight to survive this life,  it doesn't occurr to your that your fighting a fight that may well have been fought before and you already have the answers you need inside of you.  They are contained in the cells of your make up.  I don't mean the pretty colored stuff girls wear!  The genetic memory in our family is very very strong.  I am aware of this and I get messages regularly from them in my spirit.

embrace this part inside of yourself as it is there for a reason.  It is there to protect you and help keep you and it is the part that God intended you to keep!  He doesn't want you to live in the past but merely to embrace that part of your past that has brought about your creation of being. With out a past  you would not have come.  There would be no YOU!  YOU would not exist as you are now.  YOU would be someone else not you.  That is a lot to think about isn't it.

Image by Mezza - Yuludarla - Dreaming colours

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