Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Chakra System

The Chakra System

the chakra system

In Hindu and yoga teachings Chakras have been recognised for thousands of years, although they have only recently been introduced to the West. Chakras are the main energy points of our life force or "subtle body" - sometimes referred to as Spiritual Energy, Prana or Ch'i. The word Chakra comes from the ancient Sanskrit word for "wheel", and Chakras are often perceived by healers as a spinning wheel of energy.
There are seven main Chakras linked to nerve centres along the spinal cord, as well as many minor Chakras throughout the rest of the body. This crystal set deals with the seven main Chakras.
Each of the main Chakras is located more or less in the centre of the body, spiralling out from both front and back. Each Chakra is associated with a colour, a specific area of the body and specific energies. There is also a connection with various organs and endocrine glands. Stones and crystals recommended for specific situations or health problems are often chosen according to their colour relationship to the relevant Chakra. There are different Chakra healing systems which associate different colours with each Chakra. We have chosen to work with one system, but that does not make others wrong.

Crystals and Chakras

Base or Root Chakra

Location: Base of the spine. the chakra system base or root
Linked With: The skeleton, bone marrow, the immune system and with one's connection to the earth or "grounding".
Colour: Red
Crystals: Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Black Onyx & Hematite

Second or Navel Chakra (Sacral Centre)

Location: Just below the navel. the chakra system navel
Linked With: The reproductive organs. It is the lower centre of Ch'i or Prana.
Colour: Orange
Crystals: Red Jasper, Carnelian, Orange Quartz & Orange Calcite

Third or Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: The solar plexus, which is just above the pit of the stomach and below the sternum. the chakra system solar plexus
Linked With: The digestive system which is also the most common area to be affected by stress. It is considered to be the upper centre of Prana or Ch'i. Also associated with creativity.
Colour: Yellow
Crystals: Citrine, Amber, apatite, Imperial Topaz,& Tiger's Eye (gold)

Fourth or Heart Chakra

Location: The heart area. the chakra system heart
Linked With: The heart, healing and emotions.
Colour: Green and pink. Green is associated with the healing aspect of the heart, while pink is associated with the emotional aspect. Some healers prefer pink or green, while others use both colours.
Crystals: Ruby, Kunzite, Rhodonite, Aventurine,, Moss Agate, Green Jade, Chinese Serpentine, Malachite & Chrysoprase

Fifth or Throat Chakra

Location: Throat area near the base of the neck. the chakra system throat
Linked With: Thyroid function, metabolic rate, communication and creativity.
Colour: Blue
Crystals: Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate,, Lapis Lazuli & Blue Calcite

Sixth, Brow or Third Eye Chakra

Location: Between and slightly above the eyebrows. the chakra system third eye or brow
Linked With: Psychic development and the production of hormones.
Colour: Purple or violet.
Crystals: Amethyst

Seventh or Crown Chakra

Location: The crown of the head. the chakra system crown
Linked With: Spiritual energy and spiritual development.
Colour: Clear or white
Crystals: Clear Quartz,, Moonstone, Selenite,& Natural Howlite

What was happening for Mezza:
I have a very large piece of Adventurine that we found.   I am not giving it to the goverment because it was a gift from the Universe.  The Universe knew I needed it and so this is how the universe supports you through all phases of your life's journey! It was awesome to know the innate qualities the univers provided also and I found it related to the heart chakra.  I have a very very large heart chakra.  I can feel this.


Helps to reinforce decisiveness and amplify leadership qualities. Good for calming anxiety and fears.
Aventurine - Is a member of the quartz family. Aventurine forms when quartz is subjected to extreme heat and pressure, causing it to melt and solidify, usually in large slabs with sparkly inclusions of Hematite or Mica. Aventurine can be found in a range of greens from dark to very pale.
Aventurine is an excellent balancing stone for the heart as it acts without causing any turbulence. Enhances self-esteem. Creates a sense of harmony and balance. Used in Feng Shui to create harmony when there is disharmony between the members of a household.
Chakra Alignment: Heart Birthstone: Aries and Libra

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Mezza, fan club here!!
    it never ceases to amaze me how tuned into REAL LIFE you seem. I guess at times, it must seem overwhelming to you? and yet, such a blessing to have,such a gift..

    Have you seen the MARS SATURN conjunction, up there in the western sky, next to Spica? Isn't it beautiful. And the morning moon just below Venus early on the 14th morning? SOOO beautiful!! much better than money, seeing these things.
    Until man works out how to buy the stars, or create chakras in a test tube, at least THEY shall be safe from his perversions and meddlings... meanwhile i read alot of this Chakra Information you have put here. it is very useful chakra Information and meanings.. such a good concise thing to put on internet, especially as Mars passes over Saturn, and we renew our personal drive with the tenacity and skill of our accrued knowledge.
    A little bit of chakra realignment can go a long way, eh what?? I sometimes feel like life is one long chakra realignment... and reassembling and renewing....and so it goes, into a new saturn Mars cycle, beginning at 24 degrees LIBRA....i guess some massive world chakras are gonna be realigning themselves now...what an adventure!!! cheers and all the blessings of love, taiko


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