Sunday, August 19, 2012

 Coal-seam radio ads axed for 'inaccuracies
by: Nick Leys From: The AustralianMarch 27, 2012 12:00AM

SYDNEY'S 2GB radio station has dumped two advertisements spruiking the coal-seam gas industry on the basis they contain inaccuracies. 


The ads by the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association are in response to what it claims have been a sustained attack by broadcaster Alan Jones.

The ads, which were broadcast yesterday several times during Jones's program, were to be the start of a campaign pushing the $46 billion industry's claims of economic and environmental benefits. The APPEA said Jones refused attempts for a representative to discuss the issue on air.

However, Jones told The Australian the ads had been pulled because "they are not telling the truth . . . They've gone to air but they won't be going to air again."

He has questioned claims in the ads that the NSW community wanted the same CSG industry as Queensland and that the industry would create revenue and jobs for the NSW economy as wrong.

Jones asserts the industry has questions to answer about the effects of the CSG process on the environment and those nearby.
The Yaarn here is this:  All these companies are appearing to lie to get the point across that they want and need this mining! WE DO NOT NEED THIS DESTRUCTION TO COUNTRY!  Go away and get out of our land!.

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