Monday, July 23, 2012

Demonic Angels

by Tara Kay & Chelsey

Demonic Angels

These graveled palms are bleeding the truth as
My knees still brush the pavements...
for I have fallen too many times to care.

And like you...labored scars are birthed upon my skin
as frayed bandages cradle their existence
while I attempt to hide what I cannot feel...

How crazy is that?
That all this self-inflicted pain leads to nothing...
Nothing but ruin, inside and out?

I know we should try to breathe
the air of happiness...

As these souls could use a cleansing
of enrichment and success
to rid this attack of failure
on our torn up bones of fatal structure.

But prayers don't reach Him,
and if they did he'd cast us aside
as victims of life...

Because the damned don't enter Heaven
and the wicked are to be stoned.
My spirit is engulfed with misery and in completion...

Unlike yours floating somewhere free...
How can we be angels?
How can I be me?

It is very strange windy weather.  But July has always been windy.  The solar winds are whipping into action plenty for us to be interested in.  Stay in doors at this time during the middle of the day when the solar plasma raining in on you is at a maximum.  This isn't good for you at present.  Stick with dawn and sunset as safe viewing times to be any where near the sun.  It has been said this stuff can change your very DNA.  I am not in a position to risk that at my age.  I am flawed enough already,  I say that humorously!

Image by Mezza - Flagpole  bathed in the light of Venus at Dawn in Urunga in July Monochrome
Enhanced by Zemanta

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