Tuesday, June 12, 2012

When I am silent, I fall into the place where everything is music.

~ Rumi ~

IMG 1368.2 Police
A chopper gets about like a Dragon did
With one voice every ancient culture insisted that our world was once a much. different place.  This is a fact that I cannot deny.  I became more interested in Dragon's when my son Jesse David William Baldwin was born under the sign of the Dragon in 1988.

This isn't anything unusual for me to do.  However, I was not ever really satisfied with what I had found.  I decided to trust my instincts then once again and go to a quiet place and try to see what it may have been like.  What I saw was this, I saw that dragons were very possible and that in ancestral times things were not of the scale we see today on the planet.   The place was inhabited with a certain amount of people who were giant in size.  These people are said to be the Nephilim.  https://www.google.com.au/search?q=nephilim+skeletons&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=fEc&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&prmd=imvnsfd&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ldjXT6KgHOeviQel0PGHAw&ved=0CHEQsAQ&biw=1275&bih=652

If you clicked that link you will see the many skeletal remains that have been found which is evidence of this giant race of people.  The statues in Egypt that depict huge men.  I think they are actually life size statues.  I think people were that large and they were the offspring of the Elohim.  In Genesis it talks of this as well. 

The Dragon

Perhaps there is no better example of an unexplained mythical thing  than that of the dragon or serpent. This remarkable creature with origins in the prehistoric times has no counterpart in the biological world and yet it was remembered on every habitable continent and persisted across millennia into modern times.  Nothing in nature today will explain the dragons long flowing hair, fiery breath, beard,  it's twin whiskers, its wings or effusive feathers or its global occurrence as twins or its global association with light. 1000's of years after its prehistoric birth the monster still continues to linger in human fantasy, it will not go away!

But ask yourself this simple question;. How did the dragon archetype arise with out provocation and should we not wonder if uniquely  modern prejudices are the primary reason the mystery remains unsolved?

Image by Mezza - The rear end of the police chopper

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