Sunday, April 15, 2012

Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor. Dr. Alexis Carrel

Yes it is painful changing yourself or attempting  going with out something you are used to.  I am attempting this and going without coffee hurts first thing in the morning. It is something I have done for so long.   There was a time when I was on a special anti candida diet and I went with out coffee for three months.  I think that is the only time I have been without it in my adult life. 

It hurts because you immediately get a head ache.  The pain of this head ache can be enough to send you back to the coffee pot.  But if you hang in there and drink lots of fresh water then it will disappear and you will feel better in the mornings because you know that if you have to go with out then you can and that you have survived this hell.

Image by Mezza - From Marx Hill looking towards Little North Arm

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