Sunday, March 4, 2012

No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever.

quote by Francois Mauriac

Fishing the river at Dawn

Everyone we meet or come across in our lives are the ones who help shape us as individuals during our journey of life.  If mud is thrown a little bit always sticks they say.  So even bad friendship leaves its mark on us and sometimes this is for a lifetime.

Men fishing with each other at Dawn in Urunga
 We are stereotyped into being a particular sort of person and it is difficult to break out of that.  In my opinion the difficulty lies with others though and not ourselves as its the others who want to keep us in the neat box they have placed us.  When we break out of the box things can be messy.  They can also be very exciting and liberating to the spirit.

For today, do something different and break out of the mould that others have you placed in and show them there are many sides to being a human being and that settling for just one is in fact boring.

Image by Mezza - Dawn fishing at Urunga March 2012
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