The day began bathed in brilliant sunshine...
(Mrs. A.L. Felkin) Quotes Source: Wisdom of Folly.
Today on the hill the weather is really perplexing. Not sure if it will be so hot or pour rain. Storms all around us each day.
I suspect it is a fine day if your in love. Valentines Day is good for that. I have this beautiful heart that was given to me at the beach. So I guess every day is valentines day for me. We look for these beautiful things in nature. When we find them I carry on as though I have found a diamond or something equally precious.
When things go wrong. Look for the opportunity in that moment to change something to fix it up again. If it is in your power to do so then do so. All crisis brings change. Change is not to be feared but to be welcomed as the changeable seasons and the changeable days.
We cannot have sunny days everyday and therefore the lesson in nature for us is that sometimes things are not so bright. Wait patiently as this will pass just like the clouds do. The sun will come out on your situation once more.
Know when you have a good thing. Know that your freedom of choice is a possession that is priceless.
Image by Mezza - Bricee's Heart rock at the Hungry head Beach NSW
Great collection of list i have come across and lovely place coco bongo